William Tell 2025
The harsh governance of Austria over Switzerland during the 14th century incites a rebellion, led by the famous crossbowman and former Crusader, William Tell. In the year 1307, Austria regarded the adjacent Swiss cantons as its domain, subjecting farmers to excessive taxation, committing acts of violence against women, and destroying entire villages. The situation escalates when a farmer avenges the defilement and murder of his wife by killing a tax collector. This act of defiance sets off a chain reaction leading to a rebellion that enlists the expertise of a former Crusader, tormented by his experiences in the Holy Land, who excels in the art of crossbow crafting and marksmanship. This individual is William Tell, whose esteemed reputation and exceptional skills make him a prime target for the occupying forces, who attempt to crush his spirit but instead provoke his wrath. Soap2day is an ultimate platform to explore 14th Century biography.